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Builders play a leading role in sustainable construction

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Building with certified wood is brilliant for the planet, our health, and the economy.

In addition, buying locally certified wood reduces our carbon footprint and supports local communities connected to sustainable forest management.

As Australian builders declare a climate and biodiversity emergency material selection plays an all-important role in protecting the planet.

In the latest Builders Declare webinar Mark Thomson, acclaimed eco-architect and director of Responsible Wood, outlined the case for buying locally and supporting timber that is certified under a recognised forest certification scheme.

Mark Thomson, an advocate for sustainable timber used the webinar to highlight the importance of 3rd party validation in the building and development sectors.

“I’m supportive of the Builders Declare and the Architects Declare movements and believe society is demanding protection of endangered ecosystems,” Mr Thomson said.

Mr Thomson highlighted that the Australian Standards underpin the supply of sustainable timber, with certification the only confident method to ensure that the timber you used had been secured and supplied in an ecologically responsible manner.

Responsible Wood certification uses the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708) and is carried by Australian timber and paper companies committed to sustainable forest management practices.

In addition, Responsible Wood is a campaign associate of the Australian made campaign, and certification can be used to demonstrate that building materials are Australian Made and Australian Grown.

Mr Thomson believes that Australian timber is fit for purpose for Australian design and building and notes the timber industry provides excellent support services for the implementation of best practice design and building activities.

“Responsible Wood is the brand that I always ask for on my projects , as it satisfies my requirement to know, that the timber has been sourced from  audited sustainably managed forests and chain of custody evidence can be  provided,” Mr Thomson said.

For more information about the webinar and the Builders Declare movement please visit the Australian Builders Declare website.

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